
Showing posts from August, 2020

How To Clean and Care for Granite Countertops

Shiny, colorful, and elegant, granite countertops are a timeless addition to your home. Antibacterial and heat resistant, these countertops will help you work effortlessly in your kitchen. Granite is a worthy investment, so maintaining and keeping your countertops is essential when it comes to durability. Read below to learn how to properly disinfect and care for your granite countertops.  How To Clean Granite Countertops  Double-Check Sealing: Granite tends to be very durable and less absorbent in comparison to marble, however, unsealed granite can absorb unwanted oils and spills. Double-check that your granite is sealed. If it’s hard to tell, you may have to do a sealant test. First, put a few drops of water on the counter and see if it soaks in. If it absorbs, then your granite needs to be sealed. Harsh cleaning chemicals could stain the unsealed granite, causing further damages, so this test is important to overall granite maintenance.  Avoid Harsh Chemicals: Harsh...